Scientific name:- Acridothers fuscus
General features:- Tufted forehead and white wing patch and tail tip; lacks bare orbital skin.Juvenile browner with reduced forehead tuft.Found near cultivation, well-wooded areas, edge of habitation.
Commonly found in hilly areas and forests, but have been found in habitual areas like in thrissur and Ernakulum. Size, sounds, behavior, food, life style are all almost similar to the common myna. Differences in appearance with common myna include the absence of yellow skin near eyes and a more brownish grey colour, and presence of a feathery tuft above the beak.
Jungle mynas are seen to nest as a group having about 10-20 nests side by side to each other,they usually nest in tree holes, in fissures on walls or ojn palm leaves. Eggs have a characteristic blue colouration without markings.
Both mynas are good friends of farmers as they keep in check the number of insects feeding on crops. They can be frequently seen near or about cattle's. When they are feeding in the open they feed on insects fleeing from the large animals foot paths. They are known by many names in Hindi, in some areas of India meaning the-“cattle herders”.